Save time with automatisations
Focus on the most important tasks with these no-code automations.
Stop repetitive tasks. Skip manual actions by building customizable workflows.
Customized automation workflows
Managing your program can be very time-consuming and include many repetitive actions with no value.
With automation, you can solve many manual tasks and save your team's time to stay focused on the most important things for you: growing your program, building awareness, connecting with your audience, or simply selecting the best applications collected.
Without technical skills, you can easily build one or more automation workflows. Use our templates or create your own using our easy-to-use module, by choosing: trigger / criteria / action.

Triggers are used to start an automatic workflow. You can choose triggers based on :
- The change of status of a application (finalized application, pending application, rejected application, etc.)
- An action of a team's member (adding a tag, adding an evaluation, manual modification of the application, etc.)
- A date/time timer (Monday 25 at 2pm, every Tuesday at 12pm etc.)
The criteria allow you to enrich your automation workflow by choosing to trigger your workflow only if the applications meet certain conditions.
You can choose from the following criteria:
- If the application contains a specific value (example: the application contains the value "yes" to the question "Are you a major?")
- If the application has a tag (example: a team member has added the tag "selected" on the application)
- If the application is on a specific level of progress (example: the application is on the " validation " stage)
- If the program has a specific status (example: the program is open)
You can combine these different criteria to create rich automation workflow that perfectly match your needs.

The actions are the result of your automation workflow, they will be automatically started based on the trigger and the criteria you have chosen, for example :
- Send an e-mail to the file owner (example: the "Your file has been received..." notification)
- Send an e-mail to your team's member (example: the notification "New file finalized...")
- Add a tag to a file (example: add the tag "file to check")
- Add the folder to an evaluation section
- Add the folder to the gallery
You can cumulate several actions in the same workflow to create rich interactions.