Easily integrate
all your favorite tools
Connect WIIN.io to the tools you already use to bring all your team's work together in one place.
WIIN.io has a solid infrastructure
based on an agile API
Use native integrations, or use Zapier to connect WIIN.io with over 1000 websites and applications.
Trusted by millions, Trello is the visual collaboration tool that creates a shared perspective on any project.
Google Drive
Use Google Drive with WIIN.io to import an existing file and upload it to your team space.
Support for custom objects across Sales Cloud and Service Cloud, in both Classic and Lightning experiences.
Asana is the easiest way for teams to coordinate and manage their work with WIIN.io.
OneDrive and SharePoint
Search, share and preview your OneDrive or SharePoint Online files right from WIIN.IO
ClickUp is a beautiful productivity platform that allows you to get more done in your work and personal lives.
Go further with integrations
Extend the possibilities provided by your WIIN.io portal by connecting it to the other digital tools you already use to simplify your processes and make your workflows more fluid.
No more painful and time-consuming manual export and import of collected information, with integrations, you can transfer data directly to your other tools.
For example:
Automatically add the e-mail addresses of my users to my mailing list
For each new file received, create a "Check new file" task in my task list
When the program is finished, archive the files in my drive
And much more
Zapier is a web service that allows you to connect the different web applications you use to automate information sharing.
You don't need any technical skills or code knowledge to use Zapier and connect your WIIN.io portal, you just need to connect your different applications directly to Zapier to link them together.
You can create a free account and find more information directly on the Zapier website.
To connect your WIIN. io portal to your other specific or customized applications, you can use our weebhook connectors.
More technical than an Zapier's integration, you must have some knowledge of development or be assisted by an expert. Don't panic, this is a very common data exchange protocol and you won't have any problem to find someone able to help you (IT department, webmaster, CIO etc.).
The benefit of a webhook connection is that it's a custom integration, so you can do whatever you want and create completely customized sharing patterns.
Connect your integrations with your automation scenarios
To go further, you can also activate your integrations directly from the automation module, in order to specifically control the conditions and triggers for information sharing.
For example: I want to transfer to my CRM only the files selected during the committee.
Trigger: Validation of a file
Condition: If the file has the "selected" tag, trigger the action
Action: Webhook to CRM