Editing your presentation page ✍️
French version : https://youtu.be/7Qd1PSxh5tA
English version : https://youtu.be/9AWRIvMGvTg
Let's look at how you can customise the presentation of your program, which is the first image your users will have of the action you launch.
The presentation page
It proposes the customisation of :
- The image
- The short description
- The different tabs
Setting up the customisation of the presentation page
The presentation part includes elements to customise such as
- The title of the program
- The url of the page
- The small description
- The time zone of the program
- The cover image
- The language
- The section button
What is a section?
A section is a function of the platform set up as a tab to share information
Add a section
The add section button creates sections on each click. This is structured by :
- The title of the section
- The type of the section text and media or FAQ
- The content of the section
Repeat the customisation of this structure for as many sections as you have.
What is an FAQ
It allows you to answer redundant questions that your candidates may ask you.
Structure of the FAQ
It consists of :
- A title
- A content
You create and customise as many FAQs for as many questions as you have.
Enriching your program also means including :
- Images
- Videos
- Links
A question? Need some advice?
Do not hesitate to contact us directly via the support interface on the administrator platform 😉